Young boy reading a book

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Walt Disney


Board of Directors

The Carol Pufahl Foundation is governed by a diverse group of individuals whose expertise in a wide range of key areas guides our organization. Our Board of Directors are passionate about the importance of improving educational outcomes for children by promoting early literacy and are committed to increasing learning outcomes for all children.

Board Members hail from:

  • Fields of early childhood education (member of the National Early Literacy Panel of the National Institute for Family Literacy)
  • Teaching (preschool, public school and university teaching)
  • Educational administration
  • Psychology
  • Health
  • Grant writing and management at Federal and State levels
  • Nonprofit fundraising and development
  • Technology

Each Board Member holds strong values for improving educational outcomes for children through service and collaborative partnerships among public schools, universities, community agencies, and families. The Foundation leverages the power of community and adult-child relations to build the key language and literacy skills of children and families thereby improving education outcomes for children. Programs launched by the Foundation will expose children to activities that encourage a love of language and learning and support families and teachers in making the most of the early ears to ensure success in school and life.


Board of Directors 2021-2022

Roberta B. Senzer, Ed.D.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Carol Villano
Treasurer & Chief Operating Officer
(The Foundation Group for Financial Compliance)
Susan B. Goldman
Recording Secretary
Deborah Grillo
Chairman of the Board
Liaison to Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Patricia Barry, Ed.D
Director of Literacy and Cognition, Graduate Education
St. Joseph's College
Barbara Egloff
Divisional Administrator for Career, Technical, and Adult Education
Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Anne B. Genovese
Retired Literacy Coach, Central Islip School District
Dafny Irizarry
President, Long Island Latino Teachers Association
English as a New Language Teacher Central Islip School District
Denise Lowe Ed.D.
NYS State Education Department Monitor, East Ramapo Central School District
Retired Superintendent of the Asbury Park School District, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Central Islip
Victoria Mejia
Retired Literacy Coach, Central Islip School District
Professor, SUNY Old Westbury
Janet E. Fischel, Ph.D.
Retired Division Chief, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Stony Brook University and Stony Brook Children's Hospital


Advisory Board 2021-2022

Alisa Altman, MD
Pediatrician, NYU Langone Medical Group
NYU Langone Hassenfeld-Children's Hospital
Lisa Caracciola
Nurse Practitioner, Former Trustee
Nicole Fotis
Administration, School Division Head, Harbor Country Day School
Marie Holdsworth
Retired Administrator of Funded Programs
Central Islip School District
JoEllen McCarthy
Literacy Professional Developer and Scholastic Consultant
Author, Stenhouse Publishers
Educator Collaborative’s Book Ambassador and Always Learning
Karen Megay-Nespoli, Ed.D
Professor, Child Study Department, Former Trustee
Retired Director of Literacy and Cognition, Graduate Education
St. Joseph's College
Patricia Rauen
Mental Health Therapist, Former Trustee
Richmond University Medical Center
Edward J. Zero
Retired Eastern Suffolk BOCES District Superintendent
Former Director, Long Island Regional School Support Center